I wanted to create a surface design where the individual tiles were not immediately obvious. I chose to use a hexagonal tiling pattern to do this and began by dividing a regular hexagon so that each corner completes one third of a circle and each side has two additional entrance points for lines.

When these are tiled together the lines join seamlessly and the corners meet to make complete circles.

I experimented with ways of joining the entrance lines in arcs to make unique individual tiles.

When there was remaining space inside the hexagon I filled it with circles.

In this way I created 11 unique hexagon designs.

With reflections and rotations there are then 46 possible tiles.

When these are randomly combined in an hexagonal tiling pattern they create surprising and interesting shapes.

When the edges of the hexagons are removed it becomes quite difficult to see the underlying array.

Because this is a hexagonal pattern it will not normally tile when cut into rectangular shapes.

It is possible to generate a tile where there are matching tiles on each side and on top and bottom.

This would create a complex but repeating tiling pattern.

If you wish to order a bespoke version of Apophenia with custom colours, size, scale and tiling possibilities please contact me using one of the social media links on this page.

If you wish to purchase a randomly generated token of Apophenia on the Tezos blockchain please use the fxhash link to go to my profile there.


I wanted to create a surface design where the individual tiles were not immediately obvious. I chose to use a hexagonal tiling pattern to do this and began by dividing a regular hexagon so that each corner completes one third of a circle and each side has two additional entrance points for lines.

When these are tiled together the lines join seamlessly and the corners meet to make complete circles.

I experimented with ways of joining the entrance lines in arcs to make unique individual tiles.

When there was remaining space inside the hexagon I filled it with circles.

In this way I created 11 unique hexagon designs.

With reflections and rotations there are then 46 possible tiles.

When these are randomly combined in an hexagonal tiling pattern they create surprising and interesting shapes.

When the edges of the hexagons are removed it becomes quite difficult to see the underlying array.

Because this is a hexagonal pattern it will not normally tile when cut into rectangular shapes.

It is possible to generate a tile where there are matching tiles on each side and on top and bottom.

This would create a complex repeating tileable pattern.

If you wish to order a bespoke version of Apophenia with custom colours, size, scale and tiling possibilities please contact me using one of the social media links on this page. Price for this would start at around 10 GBP

If you wish to purchase a randomly generated token of Apophenia on the Tezos blockchain please use the fxhash link to go to my profile there.