Patched is computer code creating something that looks like fabric. Of course it isn't fabric. It cannot be touched and has no actual texture at all. Quilting and hand sewing are ancient, practical and time consuming crafts. Patched creates unique designs in seconds. But there are similarities in the careful, painstaking choice of fabrics and colours and love for their combinations.

After creating the fabric texture for Sigil Magic 1 I became fascinated with different ways of creating fabric like textures using only code. I began by creating another similar fabric, this one with a slightly less smooth texture.

I then made another fabric with a different weave.

I then created 9 unique prints. These are all created from simple geometric shapes and have similar balance of stroke and background colours so that they mix well together.

I combined these with translucent fabric overlays to give the effect of the patterns being printed onto the fabrics.

I then made three different woven fabrics. Each of these selects randomly from a colour palette of 14 colours, allowing for a variety of patterns to emerge. The close up view of these textiles shows how they are created with just a little randomness in the lines across the threads and the highlights.

Next, I created an embroidery stitch to sew them all together. The curved stitches proved the biggest difficulty of the whole project, making the spacing look right and the same at different diameters of arc.

I made stitching lines and corners.

I made four different palettes, each with 7 light and 7 dark colours. I took the colours from an image of a nebula, an image of a golden-tailed sapphire bird, a selection of neutral colours with the addition of a bright pink and an image of marigolds against the sky.

Each palette has slightly different design layout possibilities.

Finally, the most fun part! I made different canvasses and cut out circles or erased parts of them and then layered them onto a background canvas, placing the stitching around the edges. Some elements, like the flower petals, only worked well on two of the palettes and I ended up making each palette have slightly different elements.

Thank you so much for your interest.

If you wish to order a bespoke version of Patched with custom colours, size, scale and tiling possibilities please contact me using one of the social media links on this page.

If you wish to purchase a randomly generated token of Patched on the Tezos blockchain please use the fxhash link to go to my profile there.


Patched is computer code creating something that looks like fabric. Of course it isn't fabric. It cannot be touched and has no actual texture at all. Quilting and hand sewing are ancient, practical and time consuming crafts. Patched creates unique designs in seconds. But there are similarities in the careful, painstaking choice of fabrics and colours and love for their combinations.

After creating the fabric texture for Sigil Magic 1 I became fascinated with different ways of creating fabric like textures using only code. I began by creating another similar fabric, this one with a slightly less smooth texture.

I then made another fabric with a different weave.

I then created 9 unique prints. These are all created from simple geometric shapes and have similar balance of stroke and background colours so that they mix well together.

I combined these with translucent fabric overlays to give the effect of the patterns being printed onto the fabrics.

I then made three different woven fabrics. Each of these selects randomly from a colour palette of 14 colours, allowing for a variety of patterns to emerge. The close up view of these textiles shows how they are created with just a little randomness in the lines across the threads and the highlights.

Next, I created an embroidery stitch to sew them all together. The curved stitches proved the biggest difficulty of the whole project, making the spacing look right and the same at different diameters of arc.

I made stitching lines and corners.

I made three different palattes, each made from 7 pairs of light and dark colours. The first was made with colours taken from an image of a nebula, the second from an image of a golden-tailed sapphire bird and the third from a selection of neutral colours with the addition of a bright pink.

Each palette has some different design possibilities. For example, the neutral palette is the only one which has the addition of a flower as this looks too busy with the other palettes.

If you wish to order a bespoke version of Patched with custom colours, size, scale and tiling possibilities please contact me using one of the social media links on this page.

If you wish to purchase a randomly generated token of Apophenia on the Tezos blockchain please use the fxhash link to go to my profile there.